01/17/2018: 'Media Ex Machina': Live Media Art/Video + Sculptural Performance - 6 pm
For the opening of ‘Pulse’ 2018: Art and Technology Festival' at the Jepson Center for the Arts,' ‘Visions and Dreams’, the Medeology Collective will be creating a media sculptural installation for the Atrium of the Jespson Center for the Arts. This sculpture will hold a large array of projectors that circulate imagery like a panoptic light house, only this tower consists of a video babel - a twisted fun-house of glittering spectacularized imagery.
If the new age of media is ‘dream and Illusion’ via the technology of AR and VR or mixed reality, ‘Media Ex Machina’ plays with this and projects ‘dreams and lies’ out into and onto ‘real’ spaces and surfaces. It is without a coherent sculptural form, and instead of being a sculpture to be projected onto, ‘Media Ex Machina’ projects outwards to the world. Not via introspection and escape, but a penetrating expansion into space and the environment, pointing away from itself to social spaces and the public sphere. It is a public counter monument existing, not from a dead past, but a ‘media machine’ that lives briefly in the present, invading the public sphere with media fabrications, distortions and falsities.
01/24/2015:Pulse Art+ Technology Festival, Savannah GA, 'Medeology TV': Audio-visual Performance.
The Medeology Collective will be performing as well giving a talk concerning their methods and techniques of visual semiotics. The trio will be taking the audience through the thinking process of how they create their spatial montage works. Part edutainment, part art, and part pedagogical, the performance may change how you look at the medium of Television as well as giving you the conceptual and practical resources for decoding and recoding mass media soft propaganda.
01/22/2015:Pulse Art+ Technology Festival, Savannah GA
Lecture and Performance: Decoding and Reprogramming the Televisual.
Medeology TV European Tour: We are touring for three weeks in Europe for December 2014.
Come and spend an evening with the Medeology Collective who are performing ‘Medeology TV’. The collective will perform a live video-based projection on 3 giant TV screens in a triangular formation. When the public consumes television, they are bombarded with messages, meanings and signs that work on how they see and feel about the world in ways they are often unaware of. This televisual culture of sound-bytes and corporate propaganda form the basis of the Medeology TV re-mix. The method the artists use clashes and montages disparate sequences together which combine to form new meanings and perspectives on issues such as advertising, politics, lifestyle and much more. These humorous juxtapositions will reveal deeper psychological forces at work in the media-scape. Enjoy seeing your favorite TV and film characters as well as personalities re-worked into a playful and fun take on the already strange window onto the world that we watch stupefied daily. We invite people to pull themselves away from their conventional TV for one evening, bring a lawn chair and enjoy the bizarre world of Medeology TV.
Euro Schedule:
11/28/2014: 'Medeology TV': LX Factory, Lisbon, (Portugal): Rua Rodrigues Faria, nº 103, Alcântara, 1300 − 501 Lisboa. Time: 8-9 pm.
11/28-29/2014: Lisbon: POST SCREEN Conference /Festival
See the work in conference gallery:
Dec. 2nd-5th - 'Medeology TV' - Live Audio-Visual Performance: Leipzig Academy of Visual Arts (Germany)
Lecture and Performance to Alba D'Urbano classes..
Dec. 12th: 'Medeology TV' - Live Audio-Visual Performance - Plymouth Univeristy (England) - Lecture and Performance.
11/21/2014 - 'Geometries of Power: Pyramid Faces': Inlight, Richmond, Virginia. The Medeology Collective perform for their 4th time at the Juried festival Inlight. Live video sculpture installation.
01/30/2014 - 'Geometries of Power', Video Sculpture Installation & Live Media Performance at 'Pulse: Art & Technology Festival', Jepson Center for the Arts, Savannah.
01-02/2014 - 'Medeology TV: SUPER' - Off Site Pulse 2014 event at the Indigo Sky Gallery, Savannah.
10/25/2013 - 'Medeology TV': Live video Performance Installation - at the Creative City Project in downtown Orlando - Starts 8:00 pm.
11/8/2013 – ‘Bridge of Signs’: Inlight 2013: Richmond, Virginia. Shockoe area – along the Riverfront Canal walk. From 7:00 pm to Midnight.
The Medeology Collective will be creating a projection mapped video installation onto a Bridge. Imagery of crowds will be mixed using Kinect technology with the live video collage in an interactive public art performance throughout the evening. The audience will also be projected as living spectral beings walking across it.
The theme of ‘bridge’ is a rich source of meanings and signs and we will explore this during the performance. Metaphors will be explored concerning notions such as passages, journeys, and reaching the other side. The bridge as a screen will be a dialog between the performers and the audience.
02/01/2013 - ‘Indi-Visible’: New performance at the PULSE Art and Technology Festival2013, Jepson Center for the Arts, Savannah. 6-8 pm.
3/3/2012 -'Reflexion Pool' at Games as Art: Saturday night performance at Pulse: Art & Technology Week at the Jepson Center for the Arts Atrium.
11/12/2011 - 'Re-Con-txt' - Saturday night performance for the closing night of the SECAC conference based on the theme of this years papers 'Text - Texture'. Matthew Akers also performed creating a live soundscape.
10/29/2011 - 'Live Monster Museum': Closing of the Elevate Art Above Underground, Atlanta.
A live video installation at the Five Points Marta as part of the Elevate Art Above Underground closing night events. 'Live Monster Museum' involved the original architectural city model of the Underground developments as a performance tool with a live video cam.
10/21/2011 - 'Frameworks of Memory', at the InLight Festival, Richmond Virginia.
9/30/2011 - 'Cadavre Exquis' Re-mix at Flux Atlanta (Flux Projects). We are re-mixing our popular triadic performance for the annual events at Castleberry Point (outside the Wineshoe) Castleberry Hill.
1/10/2011 - 'Cadavre Exquis' at Muse: Art and Technology Week, Jepson Center for the Arts, Savannah, USA.
10/22/2010 - InLight - 'Illumi-Nation Narcosis Remix' Richmond, Virginia. Hosted by the 1708 Gallery.
We performed a large projected expansion on an older project, this time we had three video performers inter weave meaning.
Matthew Haddock aka DJ Schrapnel created the sound scape for the artwork.
10/23/2010 - At SECAC, we performed a paper entitled 'The Academy of the Spectacle: Art in the Age of Perpetual Apocalypse' for the 'Art in the Culture of Continuous Spectacle' panel at SECAC 2010, Richmond Virginia, October 20-23. SECAC Website
The Medeology Collective created a performance/academic paper hybrid that demonstrated some of the major aspects of spectacle culture. This involved using video projections of visual and auditory content that produced a novel form of theory as practice. This praxis based work examined the contemporary changes in how public art as spectacle has become a dominant paradigm in exhibition and practice. Guy Debord in his seminal book ‘Society of the Spectacle’ laid the basis for understanding how capital becomes image in modern society. Debord’s book is still very pertinent even though it was written in the late 1960's. The performance was a parody of the corporate Powerpoint presentations of the business world. By conducting this work we intended to spectacularize the academy and throw new light into the workings of how the spectacle operates as a condensation of monetary, ideological and political power.
2/13/10 - 'Poly-Perverse Sensorium', for the CinErotic Film Festival at the Eyedrum Gallery, Atlanta.
1/29/10 - 'Going (Now) here', Installation and Live Video Performance for Pulse 2010: Art and Technology Week, at the Jepson Center for the Arts, Savannah, USA.
Sound by Mathew Akers.
12/09 - 'X-Ray-X-Mas'– Live VJ show in 'Wonderland' – Yu Kai Lin Art – Atlanta, USA.
12/09 - Art Basel – Miami-09: 'Shifting Ground Redux'and 'Deserted Storm' – Two day Live Video Performance Installations – ARTery, Sculpt Miami, Miami, USA.
10/09 - 'Illumi-Nation Narcosis', Live Media Performance at Le Flash, Atlanta, USA
6/09 - 'Mis-Performance - Media Mediums': Live Media Performance at the Performance Studies International (PSI) Conference in Zagreb/Croatia.
1/09 - 'Phantasmagoria': Video Installation for the Jepson Center of the Arts events at Muse: Art and Technology Week, Savannah, USA
Medeology Collective